Cluster Testing
- In-Circuit techniques isolate the Cluster
- Functional techniques test and diagnose within the Cluster
Diagnosys systems perform in circuit testing on modules or UUTs with intuitive graphical-based software helping overcome the traditional challenges associated with writing in circuit test programs.
Boundary Scan, also known as JTAG, is a test technique that is applied to devices equipped with a special Test Access Port (TAP) and additional circuitry. Conforming to the IEEE 1149.1 standard, these devices can be tested both internally and externally using serial data conforming to the standard.
In addition to the active and dynamic testing available using in-circuit and functional testing, our products have a powerful Voltage / Current (V/I) nodal analysis technique available.
Put simply, the Go / NoGo method involves testing a module or unit (sometimes referred to as a Unit Under Test – UUT) to see if it is working (Go) or not working (No Go).
Without using a safe back driving technique, testing a board can introduce new failures. Diagnosys products eliminate this problem by using a pulse technique that fully complies with recommended guidelines for the safe testing of devices.