Without using a safe back driving technique, testing a board can introduce new failures. Diagnosys products eliminate this problem by using a pulse technique that fully complies with recommended guidelines for the safe testing of devices.
- When testing a device or component in a powered-up circuit, it is necessary to force the input conditions to both logic 1 and 0
- The input may be connected to an output of another device in an active condition and the force applied to the device output can stress it beyond its design limits, thus causing the device to fail.
- Potentially introducing new failures whilst testing is obviously unacceptable. The procedure known as “Back Driving” must be operated in such a way that the forcing effect on the output stage does not cause failure.
- Diagnosys products eliminate this problem by using a pulse technique that fully complies with recommended guidelines for the safe testing of devices.
- Diagnosys has the best back driving performance and signal quality in the market place, capable of delivering a minimum of 750mA of back driving current on each channel as required.