Diagnosys systems perform in circuit testing on modules or UUTs with intuitive graphical-based software helping overcome the traditional challenges associated with writing in circuit test programs.
When a unit fails the Functional or Go / No Go testing process, the task turns to diagnosing the cause of the failure so that remedial work can be performed.
The diagnostic test code generation, diagnostic algorithms, repeatability, reliability and accuracy of the final diagnosis is a major challenge and often seen as the high risk activity by OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturers) of the module.
A diagnostic program must assume the circuit is not working and that a fault needs to be detected.
All of the above means that traditional diagnostic approaches have been highly skill and time intensive, often requiring months of development and verification time. With the rapid expansion of new technologies, generation of the diagnostic test code has demanded more tools and flexibility. Flexibility and capability must be readily available and essentially be easy to use.
Diagnosys has a proven track record in helping customers save time and money in the development of in circuit test programs.
With an in-circuit test approach each individual device is electrically isolated from the rest of the circuit and then tested.
In circuit testing requires techniques called guarding and backdriving. TestVue software automatically creates any guarding required by an analysis of the circuit configuration, speeding the program generation and debug process.